Section 1:
The name of the organization shall be New England Deaf Disc Golf (NEDDG). This will cover six states includes: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.
Section 2:
NEDDG shall be an affiliate with Deaf Disc Golf Association (DDGA).
The mission of this organization is to promote the sport of disc golf throughout the Deaf Community and to enhance the pleasure of the game for its members and the general public; to establish and maintain rules of play and high standards of professionalism, amateurism, and good sportsmanship; to foster national and international professional and amateur disc golf tournaments and competitions for the deaf; to provide an outlet to communicate event results, official point standings of participating members, opinions, and other information beneficial to the sport via electronic and printed media made accessible to its members and the general public; and to achieve standardization in the Rules of Play, equipment used for play, tournament formats and all others aspects of the sport of disc golf.
The mission of this is also to provide deaf disc golfers an organization and NEDDG to host the NEDDG Junior Championship, NEDDG Doubles and NEDDG Championship Tournaments annually.
Section 1: Members
A. Active Members:
1. Deaf, hard of hearing, and late deafened people are eligible to become active members of NEDDG.
2. They shall have voting privileges and are eligible to run for office.
3. Hearing people who are involved with the Deaf community such as, CODAS interpreters or transliterators for the deaf
are eligible to become supporting members of NEDDG.
4. They shall have voting privileges and are not eligible to run for office.
B. Non-Active Members:
1. Formers members in good standing who have not paid current dues.
2. They shall hold none of the voting privileges and are not eligible to run for office.
Section 2: Due
New Member - $25.00 for a year from January 1st to December 31st.
Renewal Member - $15.00 for a year from January 1st to December 31st.
Section 3: Privileges of Active Members
a. To vote and hold office
b. To host NEDDG tournaments and/or events
c. To receive a membership package when it becomes available and official NEDDG communication
d. To be on a committee
e. To have responsibility of assisting with NEDDG functions where applicable and ability
f. To receive larger Ace fund payout in NEDDG tournaments
g. To participate in any New England Deaf Tournaments and/or events
h. All other privileges as may be established by the Officers.
Non-members and non-active shall hold none of privileges of active members. Membership may be revoked or suspended by a majority of the Officers per Section 4: Disciplinary Procedure.
Section 4: Disciplinary Procedure
Suspension of membership – a member may be suspended for any of the following:
a. Repeated unsportsmanlike conduct, such as: cursing, throwing objects in anger (other than discs), excessive displays of anger, overt rudeness, threats or willful physical harm to anyone present.
b. Willful destruction or harming of park property, plant life or wildlife.
c. Cheating – a willful attempt to circumvent the rules.
d. Activities that are in violation of the law, park regulations, or Club rules.
The suspension shall continue until the next regularly scheduled national event. The suspended member may address the Officers. A simple majority vote will be required for reinstatement.
During a suspension, the suspended party loses all club privileges, ability to participate in Nationals, New England tournaments, earn points and voting rights.
There will be no reimbursement of club dues. The suspended member that is denied reinstatement may reapply the following year but is subject to the same voting approval requirement at that time.
Section 1: Body and Duties
A. President
1. Will preside over general and board meetings.
2. Will be responsible for administering the affairs according to the policies and regulations established by the by-laws.
3. Will be responsible overseeing the NEDDG finances and its budget.
4. Will be responsible for the community outreach to various New England and maintain ties with Deaf Disc Golf Clubs in North America and DDGA.
5. Responsible to oversee and work with NEDDG Officers and members.
6. Will appoint secretary at all meetings when needed.
B. Finance-Membership Director:
1. Will be responsible overseeing the finances and its budget.
2. Will be responsible for all funds of NEDDG and for the collection of debts owed to NEDDG.
3. Will report annually or more often if requested by President.
4. Will oversee all aspects of membership status.
5. Will be responsible to collect membership dues, maintain membership database such as contact information.
6. Will be responsible overseeing each NEDDG tournaments’ funds.
7. Will perform other duties as assigned by the President.
C. Tournament Director:
1. Will be responsible for coordinating the assigned tournament following the guidelines.
2. Will provide assistance and/or advice to prospective Tournament Directors and their committees.
3. Will be responsible for overseeing each NEDDG tournaments and tournament directors’ duties and expectations.
4. Will be responsible for promoting NEDDG’s tournaments.
5. Will be responsible to make sure that PDGA’s Rules of Play are enforced.
D. Nominations and Elections:
1. Nominations of officers shall be presented by Active members during the Fall quarter general meeting.
2. A majority vote by WRITTEN ballot by ACTIVE members present at the election meeting.
3. Officers (President, Finance-Membership Director and Tournament Director) shall serve for a term of two (2) year.
4. No member may hold more than one elected office. There shall be no limit to the number of committee positions or committee chairs that a member may hold.
5. There will be no limit to the number of terms an officer may hold his/her office.
6. If the office of President becomes vacant, Finance-Membership Director and/or Tournament Director will take place.
7. Should an officer or director resign or be unable to serve out the remainder of their term, the Board will be responsible for appointing someone to fill the vacant position.
8. Officers may reserve the right to appoint committee as Chair.
9. Board shall approve the Committee Chair’s appointments.
E. Resignation of Officers:
1. Any officer may resign with thirty (30) days written notice to the President at any meeting of the Board. Any such resignation will take effect at the time specified in the written resignation notice.
Section 1: Board of Officers
A. Will meet at least (2) times per calendar year.
B. Will convene emergency/special meetings as needed.
Section 2: General Meetings
A. Will be held at least two (2) per calendar year.
Section 3: Quorum
A. Six (6) or more active members including majority of the Officers, present at a general or special meeting will constitute
a quorum. For voting purposes, a simple majority of the active members present will allow motions to be passed.
B. In case of tie events, the President will cast the tie-breaker vote or take the other action thereof.
The Executive Board shall be composed of the officers: President, Finance-Membership Director and Tournament Director.
Committees may be established by Board of Officers as it deems necessary for the proper execution of business of this organization.
A. Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be the parliamentary authority for the conduct of board and general meetings, whenever not in conflict with the By-Laws stated herein.
A. These By-Laws may be amended (altered, changed, added to, or repealed) by two-thirds majority affirmative vote of active members present at the designated meeting.
B. Notice of proposed amendment (alteration, change, addition or repeal) must be contained in the meeting notice thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting.
C. The notice of the date of the meeting will be distributed by email and by modern technology by thirty (30) days in advance of the impending meeting.
This organization may be dissolved by a vote of two-thirds majority of active members present at the regular or special meeting called by the members for that purpose. Upon said dissolution of New England Deaf Disc Golf, and after payment of all existing debts and liabilities, all remaining assets shall be distributed as directed by the Board and approved by the active members.
Revised November 2013